Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για valia
1. The rescue operation was taking place in the Valia region in northern Greece, in an area authorities said was hard to access.
2. En sus vivencias en Japon ella se percato de que siendo la madre de cinco hijos de ambos sexos, no valia ninguna pena vivir separada de estos.
3. Scroll down for more ... Pictured L to R are: Valia Georgieva Cherveniashka, Nasia Stoitcheva Nenova, Kristiana Malinova Valcheva, Valentina Manolova Siropulo, Snezhana Ivanova Dimitrova and Doctor Ashraf Ahmad Juma Hajuj.
4. Palestinian doctor Ashraf Alhajouj and Bulgarians Snezhana Dimitrova, Nasya Nenova, Valentina Siropolu, Christiana Valcheva and Valia Cherveniashka pleaded not guilty at both trials and have repeatedly testified that they were tortured to make them confess.
5. Court President Mahmoud Haouissa later adjourned the retrial until August 2'. The medics, Palestinian Ashraf Alhajouj and Bulgarians Snezhana Dimitrova, Nasya Nenova, Valentina Siropolu, Christiana Valcheva and Valia Cherveniashka have pleaded not guilty and said they had been beaten or tortured to make them confess.